DevOps as a Service

Build an environment with focused collaboration between people, process, strategy and technology. Improve your ability to execute with structured frameworks and effective sharing mechanism.

DevOps as a Service

Build an environment with focused collaboration between people, process, strategy and technology. Improve your ability to execute with structured frameworks and effective sharing mechanism.

Move from Traditional IT to secure DevOps

DevOps is the answer to improving your organization’s productivity by enabling faster release cycles and better quality through:

Quick customer feedback cycles

Unified measurements across the enterprise

Collaboration across the organization

At Zuci, we help you get your vision of the ground by helping you achieve higher efficiency in your development and operations departments and a quicker time to market with better-quality software builds. We’re focused on developing a DevOps strategy to enable seamless coordination between your teams.

Why you should implement DevOps

Simultaneous Deployments

Shorter release cycles

Improved performance

Greater collaboration

Enhanced business agility

Improved customer experience and lower error rate

Our DevOps Services

DevOps maturity assessment & Gap Analysis

Our DevOps Maturity Assessment will help pin down your current state of DevOps maturity through process gap analysis, tech stack, and recommending solution that fits for purpose.

What Zuci delivers:

A detailed gap analysis between current state and desired maturity

A comprehensive strategy to overcome the complexities and achieve an optimal level of collaboration

Recommendations with tools and technologies best suited to your business

Achieve your transformation goals with DevOps Maturity Model

DevOps Consulting

Zuci’s end-to-end DevOps consulting services automates your delivery pipeline and helps you achieve improved frequency of software releases with continuous integration across cloud platforms.

We aim to help organizations manage infrastructure challenges and manage complex application migrations with increased efficiency. Attain a faster time to market reliably and align to your business goals with our DevOps consulting and implementation services which include:

Here’s how Zuci can help:

Gap Analysis

We will determine the differences between your current practices and the recommended best practices


Our recommendations include the process, phase-wise approach to implementation, tools and technologies, skillsets needed etc.

Best Practices Implementation

We help you to set up, configure, execute and monitor the DevOps lifecycle

Continuous Improvements

CI/CD optimization, improve time to market with faster delivery cycles, auto issue identification and resolution through enhanced monitoring capabilities.

DevOps – End to End Implementation

Zuci takes complete ownership to implement DevOps in 4 easy steps:

We aim to help organizations manage infrastructure challenges and manage complex application migrations with increased efficiency. Attain a faster time to market reliably and align to your business goals with our DevOps consulting and implementation services which include:

What we take care of:

Agile Project & Release Management

Our delivery teams work diligently to ensure the live environment is not impacted while enabling rapid, low-risk releases. From conception to delivering value to the end user, we work on:

From conception to delivering values to the end user,we work on:

Our Release Management Best Practices include:

An exhaustive release checklist to ensure no finer details are missed out in the process

Continuously improve and be on top of Change Management process

A streamlined process to prioritize the critical feedback flowing from multiple stakeholders

Measure and improve your delivery process with constant monitoring and relevant reporting

With Zuci’s Continuous Integration
& Delivery Platform, you can,

Why Zuci?

Our Tech Expertise

Source Code Management
Github, GitLab, Azure Repos, SVN

Continuous Integration and Delivery
GitBucket, GitLab CI, Bamboo, Jenkins

Packaging and Artifacts
Jenkins X, Artifactory

Tools Expertise
Jira, Azure DevOps, Bamboo, GitLab, Code Build & Code Deploy

Infrastructure as a Code
Terraform, ARM Templates, Biceps

Configuration Management
Ansible, Chef, Puppet

Ansible, Jenkins X, Docker

Ansible, Kubernetes

AWS, Azure

Virtualization and Containers
Docker, OpenStack, Kubernetes, CloudStack

Metrics & Visualization
Nagios, Power BI, Tableau, Kibana

Windows, Linux, IBM AIX, Solaris, OSX

Logging & Monitoring
Nagios, Prometheus, Kibana, Datadog, Splunk, Grafana

100+ Certified Professional Scrum Masters

Build the right capabilities to continuously adapt and grow in the Digital Age.