Data VisualizationZuci Systems2023-04-11T08:14:12+00:00

Stop crunching data on excel sheets. Build business stories with actionable insights.

We build real-time business stories for your day-to-day business activities for smart business decisions. Whether you have a few thousand rows of data or zillions, our visualizations will help you ask the right questions and make better business decisions for your company, saving you time and money.

Stop crunching data on excel sheets. Build business stories with actionable insights.

We build real-time business stories for your day-to-day business activities for smart business decisions. Whether you have a few thousand rows of data or zillions, our visualizations will help you ask the right questions and make better business decisions for your company, saving you time and money.

Clients Who Love Us

How we make your data talk?

5 Simple, Fast, and Accessible Steps

Summarizes a series of key metrics and dimensions where a user can discover insights
Story Telling
A sequence of dashboards/ charts that makes a cohesive story to convey on Information
Actionable Insights
Meaningful findings that is an outcome after analyzing the data

After knowing what kind of data be summarized, choosing the right chart becomes a vital exercise to tell a convincing story to the audience. Line Bar Table Pie Donut Heatmaps Scatterplot Bubble Chart. Line Bar Table Pie Donut Heatmaps Scatterplot Bubble Chart

To discover patterns in the data and find correlation between elements.

All the data needed to perform analysis might not to be present in one single place, data to be queried/union/joined from different sources to a staging layer to mine knowledge/insights out of it.

Define a concise problem statement which is to be solved and identify the target audience. Know the right KPIs are to be reported.

Our Data Visualization & Business Intelligence Services

Data Analysis & Exploration

Our data analysis & exploration service provides you with a precise, consistent analysis of both structured and unstructured data. By combining AI/ML and expert human analysis, our teams help to make sense of complex data sets to ensure higher accuracy that can be actioned by your business.

Reports & Dashboards

We enable you with data-driven decisions using our high-quality data reports & real-time dashboards. Our data reports & dashboards service helps you turn complex data into compelling visuals – like reports, charts, and BI dashboards – that tell a more impactful story.

Self Service BI System

No more hassles. No professional services hanging around in your office. Our self-service BI (Business Intelligence) solution is designed for ease of use and extensibility, so you can spend less time worrying about information management and more time focusing on the business outcomes.

Search Query Engines

We provide search-based analytics for your company data. We enable you to ask questions and visualize the answers through charts and dashboards to quickly answer inefficiencies you have within your organization. Ask complex questions and get instant answers with prescriptive recommendations.

Our Solutions

ZIO – Enterprise Data Bus (EDB) Solution

ZIO is Zuci’s solution to transform enterprise data into actionable insights. It acts as an EDB solution as an answer to various integration scenarios.

HALO – Credit Underwriting Software

HALO is an analytics product with AI/ML capability to pre-qualify leads and make automated credit decisions for banks and financial institutions.

Why Zuci?

Because you need answers to your business problems, and we are experts in infusing life into data and making it work for you.

actionable analytics projects
faster data reporting
reduction of operational costs
revenue increase
client satisfaction

Round the clock support

Our clients

Join thousands of other companies working with Zuci’s Data Science & Analytics solutions to make better business decisions.

Go with our client’s words on how we helped transform their business


Mike Kriesman ,
CIO at Loris Gifts

“We had a challenge to quickly build a dashboard for inventory comparison across 200+ stores by Category and SKU. Zuci was able to successfully implement the tool and meet our aggressive timeline. Since then, they have helped us with multiple other key needs and the Zuci partnership has turned as a valuable one for us.”

How to get started with Zuci

Our mission is to solve big data problems and help you make better decisions for complex business problems.

Describe your business problem

1 MAY 2016

We'd love to hear about your business goals and objectives, then use our data & analytics framework to build actionable, data-driven insights and recommendations.

Planning & Analysis

1 MAY 2016

Data architecture is vital for data & analytics project planning. We focus on how to secure, structure, and integrate data silos in a manner that supports business intelligence and reporting requirements for better decision-making.

Low-cost POC

1 MAY 2016

Post planning, our data engineering & analytics experts work on a low-cost POC to prove project feasibility and ensure we fulfill your project requirements. Once satisfied, we'll offer a proposal, suitable engagement model, and pricing.

You become our partner

1 MAY 2016

Together, we work towards your business goals. We ensure that you get a complete snapshot of your project roadmap from time to time and recommendations to improve data quality for faster insights and better decisions.

What we Think

How does the implementation of an enterprise-wide data and analytics strategy help financial organizations?

Blog, Data Science Blog|

Enterprise analytics refers to the collective process of acquiring, inspecting, and leveraging data across an organization to drive crucial business decisions and strategies. The practice uses advanced techniques and tools to analyze large datasets from multiple sources within the enterprise, such as marketing, sales, operations, finance, and human resources, to derive insights and improve overall business performance.

Our technology tool stack

Cloud Toolset

Analytical Databases: Big Query, Redshift, Synapse
ETL: ZIO, Databricks, DataFlow, DataPrep
Scalable Compute Engines: GKE, AKS, EC2, DataProc
Process Orchestration: AirFlow / Composer, Bat
Platform Deployment & Scaling: Terraform, Custom tools

Open Source

Support for all Hadoop distributions: Cloudera, Hortonworks, MapR
Hadoop tools: HDFS, Hive, Pig, Spark, Flink
No SQL Databases: Cassandra MongoDB, Hbase, Phoenix
Process Automation: Oozie, Airflow

Visualization Tools

Power BI
Data Studio

Programming Skills

Python: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, SciPy, Spark, PySpark
Scala, Java, R

Make informed business decisions with your Data

Zuci’s Data & Analytics solutions are all about infusing life into data and making it work for you!

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