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Senior Manager- Marketing

Chatty & gregarious, you can find her with her baby plants when not with her marketing team.

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The Zengineering Approach To Decision-Making

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Senior Manager- Marketing

Chatty & gregarious, you can find her with her baby plants when not with her marketing team.

Decisions – right or wrong can lead to many destinations – great or not so great. But like it or not they are key to running organizations (let alone our lives, our homes, and what not!). 

Zuci believes in empowering each of its employees to make decisions that benefit all its stakeholders exponentially. We have never been ones for an authoritative style of leadership and this means decisions are not left to just founders and CXOs at Zuci. These principles stemmed at Zuci from the culture of Zuci that we call Zengineering which reflects in our formalization, improvement, and the way we excel on all fronts.  

Empowering Zucians to take calls brought out the Zengineers in them, who carry a zeal for work and a love for technology. We let our employees own the decisions they make while always ensuring they are aligned with the goals and objectives of the organization. 

Diverse ideas, great decisions 

We’ve found our decision-making process to be immensely effective. Our flat hierarchy and lack of pecking order create a level playing field for people to get creative with the ideas they bring to the table. Every idea is given due consideration and is evaluated based on the effectiveness of addressing solutions. This inclusive decision-making process, incorporating different ideas from different people has made our brainstorming sessions invaluable!

The process not just empowered and elevated the people at Zuci, but motivated them to do more and made everyone realize they have skin in the game too!  

Agree to Disagree 

At Zuci it is common to question the status quo and that is not considered offensive. This is how we believe we can ensure excellence in whatever we do. As Zengineers we try not to be lost in simply doing the done and dusted, we actively lookout for potential improvements in all respects! As in any place with different lines of thoughts, disagreements emerge, but we believe everyone’s right to “Agree to Disagree”.  

There are open conversations, critical evaluations and a diverse set of opinions on the table and that brings out the innovativeness in the decisions we make including the technology delivered to our clients.

This is how our Zengineers exemplify leadership through decision-making. How does your organization do it? 


Lini Susan John

Chatty & gregarious, you can find her with her baby plants when not with her marketing team.

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