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Zuci Announces On-Boarding Of Janarthanan Poornavel As Chief Technology Advisor

Assistant Marketing Manager

I write about fintech, data, and everything around it

Zuci is pleased to announce the on-boarding of Janarthanan Poornavel as the Chief Technology Advisor to reinforce the company’s decision to strengthen its technology and leadership unit. The onboarding comes in a time when the company is expanding its industries and services and building high-end solutions for domain-specific customers.

Jana’s role as Zuci’s Chief Technology Advisor will be to provide leadership along with responsibilities for all aspects of the IT organization including technology, vision, strategy, business applications, data management, increasing automation, digital strategy for IT-enabled business capabilities, and service delivery across the company. His role will be instrumental in the design and development of member-centric and customer-focused solutions tailored to the specific business needs of Zuci’s clients. His core responsibilities include positioning IT departments as key business partners for fast market growth, assisting clients in generating revenue by studying and understanding their business patterns to help them consolidate their offerings to the end-user.

Prior to this, Jana comes with sound experience and expertise in Data Sciences. He has spent a significant part of his career working on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence based technologies. During his previous stint at Orangescape and Yume, Jana has worked extensively on data-platforms, machine learning, and prediction algorithms while taking up other cross-functional roles.

Speaking on the on-boarding, Anil Kumar, Director of Technology, Zuci Systems said,

“It is exciting to have Jana as a core part of the organization. He is here to bring a disciplined approach to Software Engineering enabling better technological architecture for our customers. Many customers excel at identifying their product vision but struggle with areas such identifying scalable technologies, managing codebases, refactoring and with Jana’s inclusion to the team puts Zuci in the driver’s seat when it comes to technology consulting and architecture design. In the 17 years of his product development and data sciences career, Jana has seen majestic successes and fantastic failures of myriad products. Hence, he understands the importance of spending enough time in identifying technology that scale and meet the demand of the end-users. He will assist the team in laying the foundation of the technological framework on which the entire MVP and other solutions are to be built.”

Speaking on his new role, Janarthanan Poornavel, Chief Technology Advisor, Zuci Systems said,

“It is an exciting time to join Zuci. I am delighted to have been provided with the opportunity to progress the digital footprint and accelerate the digital transformation journey of Zuci’s clients. I am here to ensure that our clients are equipped with an effective technology roadmap to address their business needs, which is a key pillar of our growth strategy.”

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