Zuci invites you to have a go at it!

About Career Comeback

At Zuci, we understand that life is full of turns, and sometimes, those turns lead you off the professional path. Whether it’s to pursue a personal passion, an extended maternity leave, a deserved sabbatical, or any other personal reason, we know that the journey back to your career can be daunting. That’s why we’ve created the Career Comeback program – an initiative designed to empower women with the confidence and resources needed to step back into their professional roles, stronger and more prepared than ever.


If you’ve paused your career journey for any of the following reasons, Career Comeback is ready to welcome you:

Passion projects

Extended maternity leave


Any other personal reasons

Women-Centric Initiatives:


BEVY is our signature program aimed at elevating women into leadership roles. Through mentoring and professional development, we foster the growth of our female employees into tomorrow’s leaders.

Creche Facility

Understanding the importance of work-life balance, Zuci partners with top-tier creche facilities to ensure your little ones are in safe, nurturing hands while you excel professionally.

Extended Maternity Leave

New mothers at Zuci can benefit from an extended maternity leave of up to eighteen months, ensuring you have the time you need with your bundle of joy.

Our Commitment

With a significant female representation of 44.7% and 22% in leadership roles, we’re proud to be an employer that champions the growth and development of our female workforce.

Success Stories

"Many women face career hurdles after taking a break for maternity leave. The fear of losing skills, missing out on advancements, and navigating the work-life balance with a newborn can feel overwhelming. But for me, returning to work at Zuci Systems was a surprisingly positive experience. Zuci Systems provided invaluable support throughout my maternity leave and upon my return. They offered flexible schedules, mentorship, among others. This made the transition back to work much smoother and allowed me to confidently refocus on my career goals."

"Thank you, Zuci, for believing in me and giving me a second chance to contribute, explore, and grow. I am thrilled to be returning to the field after a significant break from IT. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity and happy to bring back my expertise and experience to the organization in a meaningful way."

My career pause allowed me to explore new avenues and engage in enriching webinars for personal and professional growth. Returning to the workforce filled me with anticipation and challenge. It was during the job application phase that I had an "Aha" moment when I read this vision "Seivana Thirundha Sei…Perfection Always!" I was truly inspired by this and was able to resonate my vision and values with Zuci's and decided to apply here. Now, having spent 1 year and 3 months at Zuci, the experience has been fulfilling. I've launched a wellness initiative, leveraging the knowledge gained during my break. Zuci's open and nurturing culture celebrates skills, flexibility, and a passion for excellence. I'm thankful for the support that's allowed me to contribute meaningfully to Zuci's success and advance in my career journey."

Zuci’s Career Comeback

Register here

We invite you to restart your professional journey with us. Please fill out the registration form below to begin: