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Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand And Artificial Intelligence

Assistant Marketing Manager

I write about fintech, data, and everything around it

In a recent conversation with a prospect, I was asked about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) would impact software quality engineering and if Zuci is all set to handle the challenges. I addressed the question with a reference to Ayn Rand’s popular novel “Atlas Shrugged” which talks about many things but particularly about “people who shape the world we live”. Before I get there, I would like to share a great news with you all that Zuci is no more just a software quality engineering company. We had started off as one but thanks to some exceptional work delivered by our teams, we now work on software development as well. We are revamping our website to reflect our new offerings and you should see it soon.

Coming back to the question on Artificial Intelligence, firstly I mentioned that my understanding of Artificial Intelligence is limited and companies like Zuci (in fact 90% of the companies in the world) try to position their offerings based on what the top 1% innovators of the world claim as “most happening”. Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged is centered on these innovators or “prime movers” who shape this world and “what happens to a world without them”. Such people exist in every industry and in software names like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos are some examples. These are people who actually create while the rest of the industry follows them.

Zuci definitely can help on areas that are in our expertise but it’ll be safe to admit that my knowledge is modest pertaining to technologies like AI. One may argue that AI is the future we are looking at, and admittedly, the future is always believed to be advanced, but in the present, true AI is still believed to be in the imagination of Hollywood filmmakers. Therefore, even though the world may seem to be at the cusp of AI reality, it remains a domain unexplored at Zuci. I would rather trust my long years of experience and expertise in solving the needs of the present.

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