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6 Reasons Why You Need DevOps as a Service

Senior Marketing Executive

Ameena Siddiqa is a seasoned marketer with hands-on experience in curating captivating content on the latest cloud, devops and enterprise technology trends. With a keen eye for emerging trends and a passion for storytelling, she has a knack for transforming complex concepts into engaging narratives that resonate with audiences across industries.

In the constantly evolving landscape of software development and IT operations, being agile and nimble is no longer a luxury but a necessity. In embracing transformation, businesses often find themselves tangled up in complexities such as lengthy development cycles, inadequate scalability, and limited team collaboration. To break siloes and build effective and collaborative working models, businesses are incorporating DevOps practices into their workflows. 

According to Allied Market Research, the global DevOps market size, valued at $6.78 billion in 2020, is expected to reach $57.90 billion by 2030, a staggering increase in the CAGR of 24.2%. The above statistics testify that businesses are increasingly inclining towards DevOps to bridge the gap between software development, IT operations, and testing teams. 

But very often, picking up the right tools and practices and keeping up with the DevOps trends can be tough and challenging for many organizations. This is where DevOps as a Service proves to be highly advantageous.  

In this blog post, we’ll look at what DevOps as a Service offers and the six compelling reasons why your organization can never afford to look past the transformative power of DevOps as a Service.   

Let’s delve into the topic! 

What is DevOps as a Service? 

“DevOps as a Service is a one-off-the-shelf solution that enables you to move all your DevOps practices to the cloud and saves you from all the painstaking process of building DevOps components from scratch.

what is devops

DevOps as a Service (DaaS) is a managed service provider offering DevOps practices, tools, and infrastructure through a cloud-based service model that helps your organization function seamlessly as a unified system. It enables you to move all your collaboration to the cloud and automate DevOps processes using stackable virtual tools.   

Unlike the traditional DevOps processes, DaaS brings you the pre-built infrastructure, tools, techniques, services, and a seasoned team to assist with your arising challenges and demands.  

With familiarity in the DevOps terrain, DaaS providers work as an extension of the in-house IT teams to achieve agile application onboarding and robust infrastructure development and security at a reduced cost.  

Whether starting afresh or needing a refresher in your DevOps journey, you can count on their advice for everything from planning, designing, and implementation to risk management and governance. 

Why is DevOps as a Service all the rage these days? 

According to Market Research Intellect, the DevOps Services market will witness a convergence of cutting-edge technologies, dynamic market trends, and unprecedented opportunities from 2023 to 2030.   

Gartner predicts that 60% of the global 1000 organizations will use DevOps as a Service to optimize their IT operations and meet their customer demands.  

According to Forrester Research, the increasing popularity of DevOps as a Service can be attributed to its advantages, such as enhanced collaboration and accelerated time-to-market.  

The widespread adoption of cloud-native technologies and agile methodologies is also considered to be the driving force behind the propelling growth of DevOps as a Service.   

How does DevOps as a Service work?   

Through the delivery model of DevOps as a Service (DaaS), you can tap into the experience of DevOps professionals and the right tools and processes that deliver results. DaaS allows you to focus on your critical business objectives while the experts work toward improving productivity, reducing costs, and speeding up product releases.

Let’s quickly take a look at the different aspects DaaS covers in driving the value for your organization. 

  • Plug-and-play Infrastructure   

DaaS providers offer ready-to-use software, tools, hardware, and cloud infrastructure to assist your DevOps workflows.   

  • Integration of Toolchains  

DaaS providers harmonize a spectrum of DevOps tools, including code repositories, continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, testing, deployment, and monitoring tools, forming a comprehensive end-to-end DevOps process.   

  • Personalization and configuration  

DaaS providers customize and configure the DevOps tools and workflow to match your expectations and business needs.    

  •  Administration and Assistance  

DevOps as a Service provider monitors and maintains the DevOps infrastructure and workflows, ensuring they are up-to-date and working seamlessly. Additionally, they offer technical support and troubleshooting as and when required.   

  • Insights and Analytics  

DaaS providers provide real-time reporting and analytics on critical DevOps aspects such as deployment frequency, lead time, and failure rate to enhance your software development processes. 

6 Core Benefits of DevOps as a Service You Simply Can Never Shrug Off 

Devops as Service

Using DevOps as a Service has many advantages; let’s take a look at a few of them;

1 Collaboration with Specialized Teams 

DevOps as a Service (DaaS) providers bring in a wealth of knowledge and expertise in DevOps methodologies and best practices on development processes that you may need to have internally.    

They offer a team of experts with diverse skill sets spanning software development, testing, deployment, and operations. This helps you to bridge the expertise gap and allows you to tackle more intricate software development projects in-house.

DaaS providers possess access to trending DevOps tools and technologies and help you stay abreast of the rapidly evolving technology landscape. This proves especially valuable for organizations needing more resources to adopt the latest technology trends and developments.  

2 Agile and Frequent Deliveries 

Outsourcing your DevOps tasks to a service provider allows you to move faster in your development and deployment process and assists you with agile product releases. This helps you focus on critical tasks such as designing and enhancing product features rather than investing in manual testing and deployment. This leads to accelerated product and feature launches in the market, enhancing your competitiveness and driving rapid growth. Here’s how DaaS contributes to agile and frequent deliveries; 

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) allows you to define and manage infrastructure in a code-like format and quickly configure and update infrastructure to meet your evolving requirements. 
  • Continuous Integration (CI) allows you to seamlessly incorporate essential changes into your code and employ automated tests to validate the quality of the implemented changes. At its essence, CI simplifies the process and makes it easier to pinpoint bugs or flaws in smaller code segments rather than grappling with issues in a larger, more complex codebase. 
  • Continuous Delivery (CD): As the subsequent step of the CI, Continuous Delivery transitions code from the CI phase into a production environment. This not only minimizes deployment risks but also accelerates the deployment process.
  • Continuous Deployment: Continuous Deployment eliminates the need for manual deployment and removes the necessity for constant intervention of specialists by automating the deployment process. 
  • Agile Methodology underscores the significance of iterative and incremental development. It allows you to break down complex and large projects into small chunks of pieces to eliminate bottlenecks and complexities in development processes, enabling quicker product releases. 

3  Faster Time-to-market 

DaaS providers offer ready-made DevOps workflows and toolchains that easily adapt to your unique requirements. This allows you to swiftly establish and launch your software development processes, minimizing time-to-market for new products and services.   

4 Automate Tasks 

DaaS providers automate DevOps processes through tools, processes, and best practices to optimize workflows, reduce errors, improve scalability, and foster a culture of collaboration and innovation. It lets you focus on your core functions, such as building new features and applications.  

Let’s take a quick look at how DaaS providers automate the DevOps workflow in an organization;   

  • Leverage IaC to automate the provisioning and management of infrastructure and tools like Terraform or Ansible to automate repeatable deployments.   
  • Implement automated testing practices to validate code changes, ensuring that new features or updates do not introduce defects or regressions.   
  • Offer self-service portals or interfaces where development teams can provision resources, deploy applications, and manage configurations without manual intervention.  
  • Automated security scans, vulnerability assessments, and compliance checks throughout the development and deployment pipeline.
  • Automate monitoring systems to detect issues in real-time and trigger alerts.  

5 Clustered Log Management 

One of the significant benefits of DaaS is its ability to bring clustered log management into a centralized log collection. This helps you get a panoramic view of various components and application logs, analyze the root cause of the problems, simplify troubleshooting, and issue quicker resolutions.  

 6 Cost Savings and Scalability 

As your organization scales and transforms, your requirements for software development evolve. Purchasing, configuring, and upgrading internal DevOps infrastructure, tools, processes, and strategies can incur significant costs and time commitments.   

DaaS providers offer pay-as-you-go models to pay only for the resources you use. This eliminates upfront infrastructure costs and offers flexibility to scale resources up and down per your demand, resulting in cost savings. Furthermore, they optimize DevOps workflows to eliminate redundant processes and reduce the time and resources required for development and operations tasks, leading to overall cost savings. 

Zuci can help you with your DevOps needs 

Collaborating with experienced and trustable DevOps as a Service Providers ensures a smooth and seamless DevOps journey and ensures that your timelines, budgets, and expectations are met. At Zuci, this is precisely the commitment we extend to our clients. 

If you are looking for ways to minimize costs and improve collaboration, agility and efficiency within your organization, partner with us today. We will help you meet your unique needs.

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