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The Year That Was

Assistant Marketing Manager

I write about fintech, data, and everything around it

A year filled with thrills of win, excitement of expansion, and addition of new members in Zuci family is a year worth remembering, so we are etching it through words!

We Expanded

Early this year, Zuci saw the most remarkable milestone of spreading its horizon. Yes, we expanded our services from just Quality Engineering to three major domains – Digital Engineering, Enterprise information Management, and IT Service Management. Nothing beats the sheer excitement of giving to the world more.

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We Are Growing

With the newly added services, the dynamics of change brought in a rapid yet steady growth for us. We grew in numbers, not just monetarily but also in terms of valuable resources – our people. We kicked off the year with 11 people and here we are with 20, while welcoming more.


We Earned Customers

This year we lend a special thanks to our new customers who embarked on a journey with us. Our merit lay in having their trust and our goal to keep them happy and satisfied turned out to be fruitful. We scored in versatile domains, from financial technology firms to leading mutual fund management companies to leading investment management firms. We deeply value all the work and feedback received during our journey with them.

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We Celebrated

We’ve just started doesn’t mean we have to just work. So, we had celebrations too! From eggless cakes to both vegetarian and non-vegetarian team lunches, our team has never missed out on an opportunity to share gigs and laughter. See our happy and charming faces below!

Birthday groupie

team lunch1

Birthday celebrations Team lunch

For everyone out there, Zuci sends you warm regards for a blissful new year.

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Happy 2018!

A year filled with thrills of win, excitement of expansion, and addition of new members in Zuci family is a year worth remembering, so we are etching it through words!

We Expanded

Early this year, Zuci saw the most remarkable milestone of spreading its horizon. Yes, we expanded our services from just Quality Engineering to three major domains – Digital Engineering, Enterprise information Management, and IT Service Management. Nothing beats the sheer excitement of giving to the world more.

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We Are Growing

With the newly added services, the dynamics of change brought in a rapid yet steady growth for us. We grew in numbers, not just monetarily but also in terms of valuable resources – our people. We kicked off the year with 11 people and here we are with 20, while welcoming more.


We Earned Customers

This year we lend a special thanks to our new customers who embarked on a journey with us. Our merit lay in having their trust and our goal to keep them happy and satisfied turned out to be fruitful. We scored in versatile domains, from financial technology firms to leading mutual fund management companies to leading investment management firms. We deeply value all the work and feedback received during our journey with them.

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We Celebrated

We’ve just started doesn’t mean we have to just work. So, we had celebrations too! From eggless cakes to both vegetarian and non-vegetarian team lunches, our team has never missed out on an opportunity to share gigs and laughter. See our happy and charming faces below!

Birthday groupie

Birthday celebrations 

team lunch1

Team lunch

For everyone out there, Zuci sends you warm regards for a blissful new year.

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Happy 2018!

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