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When to choose .Net as your platform?

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The .Net framework consists of developer tools, programming languages, and libraries, developed by Microsoft to build desktop and web applications, websites, web services, and games. With the release of .Net Core in 2016, it became platform independent, allowing code to run on MacOS and Linux in addition to Windows. 

According to the Stack Overflow 2019 surveyNET and .NET Core were placed second and third respectively as the most used frameworks for web development. 

There is an abundance of alternate computing platforms and programming languages in the market. Therefore, in this article we will look at when .Net can be a competitive advantage for your business needs. Most of the Fortune 500 companies rely on .Net, which in itself is a testament to the versatility of this framework. But like any other framework, .Net has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. 

Why & Why not of .NET? 

Though .Net has established itself as a powerful framework with easy-to-use tools, it is not without its drawbacks. Hence it is advisable to consider both sides before you choose .Net for your software development. 


.Net is based on Object Oriented Programming – a model under which software is divided into smaller chunks, making it easier for the developers in managing recurring issues and also involves less coding. Object Oriented Software is supported by Entity framework which is less flexible in supporting new database designs.
.Net is cross platform enabling development of apps on multiple OS and no restriction on the kind of programming language to be used. Developing apps on .Net is expensive due to the licensing costs. The more extensive the project, the more expensive it can get.
The modular design of .Net makes way for quick and seamless deployment. New product releases sometimes lack the right kind of documentation and support, leading to instability in projects being worked on.
.Net boasts of a large community of developers well equipped to support you with solutions to problems encountered during a project. .Net does not release the memory that it no longer needs, making it cumbersome for the developers to manage memory leaks.

Some of the renowned organizations around the world that rely on .Net include:  GE Aviation, Academy of Motion Pictures, Chipotle, Alaska Airlines  

And famous web resources built using .Net include:  Microsoft, StackOverflow, GoDaddy, Outlook, Dell 


Why should you choose .Net for your project?  

.Net is officially supported by Microsoft and has become a platform trusted by thousands of companies worldwide. It is a framework designed for developers, offering unlimited choices to create best performing apps. Let’s look at why more and more applications are being developed on the .Net platform.


 1. Cross Platform Design:

Be it building web apps, desktop and mobile apps, gaming or IoT solutions, .Net stack covers them all. .Net runs on multiple platforms and application on any platform can be easily accessed. This also means that any solution for mobile apps running on Android, iOS, Windows and enterprise level server apps, can be provided by .Net Core  

  2. Reliable & Scalable:   

.Net has a caching mechanism that is simple to use and drastically improves application performance. Caching allows the developers to save the most frequently used data in temporary storage so that it can be fetched faster when needed in the future. This in turn improves the scalability of server applications.  

3. Visual Studio IDE:   

It is an Integrated Development Environment for all .Net applications which is used to build, debug and publish applications across all platforms. It caters to codes written in different languages. It basically allows customization of environment based on user preference. Developers can also use various extensions with Visual Studio to enhance the experience and increase productivity.  

  4. Powerful Compilers: 

 .Net uses 2 open-source compilers – Roslyn and RyuJIT.  Let’s understand what they do.  

Roslyn converts C# or Visual Basic to Common Intermediate Language, making it easy to build many tools. Not only that, Roslyn allows you to check and modify the source code, plus it improves your application’s pre-compilation time.   

RyuJIT enables just in time conversion of Common Intermediate Language into native machine code. The JIT compiler speeds up the execution of the code, requires less memory usage and optimizes code with statistical analysis.  

 5.  The Community:  

.Net unites a wide spectrum of professional developers hailing from small to enterprise level companies.  The Community believes that diverse involvement fuels innovation. Community members can contribute to an ongoing project, host meetups or simply pitch in to resolve issues.  

  6. Flexible Deployment:   

It is fairly easy to incorporate .Net in your application. There can be multiple .Net Core versions running simultaneously, enabling seamless deployment tasks.  

Check out the short video below, where our Technical Lead, Aswin Francis, explains why and when to choose .Net as your platform. 


.NET is considered to be a powerful technology and has proved to be successful in developing an application quickly, thanks to asynchronous programming model. It is incredibly fast, resulting in better response times and becomes a great option for building reliable and high performing applications. Besides, .Net Core is continuously enhanced and improvised, thus making it popular among developers for creating robust web applications.  

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