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Top Features of Angular 13 You Must Know

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Angular is a fundamental open-source framework for creating web apps. The software is continuously updated to give web designers more freedom to make visually appealing websites.

Angular 13 is the go-to choice for building enterprise-level apps among developers everywhere. 

Are you wondering what’s so great about Angular v13? 

So, Angular 13 was updated last in Nov 2021. The transition from the current version of Angular to Angular 13 works in the following way: from utilizing “Ivy Everywhere” to completely excluding the view engine! Since the Angular framework’s launch in 2010, the developer community has been actively working to provide the most recent updates and improvements.

Following Angular 13 shows notable improvements and noteworthy new features. The latest version can be distinguished from the older one by improvements in NodeJs, Typescriptremoval of IE11, view engine, and Angular CLI versions, among other modifications. 

Let’s take a quick look at the key upgrades and standout Angular 13 features:

Top 15 updates and features of Angular 13: 

1. The updated Engine Ivy

As all new versions are Ivy, Angular 13 does not support the view engine. Ivy engines do away with all codebase issues and maintenance costs.

Ivy assembles parts independently to shorten the development cycle; therefore, the angular framework converts tools to Ivy to confirm that every transition occurs smoothly. We do not require libraries created with the most recent APF version to utilize the Angular compatibility compiler-NGCC because summary files and metadata are not required.

Support for Typescript 4.4:

TypeScript 4.2-4.3 do not support, and TypeScript 4.4 has been added in Angular 13. As this does not employ getters and setters to obtain a related type, TypeScript 4.4 has emerged as a benefit for Angular projects.

2. Angular Package Format Transformations

The Angular Package Format (APF) signifies the structure and format of AFP and View Engine metadata. It’s an excellent method for packaging outside libraries in a website development environment.

We can notice considerable changes in the latest version of APF.

  1. Older outputs, such as specific metadata in the view engine, are discouraged  with an older version.
  2. Bundles for UMDs are not produced.
  3. Normalization of JS formats such as ES2020.
  4. To offer possible outputs at the entry point, Node.js’s sub-path blend package exports outlines are employed.

The new APF version does not require ngcc anymore. Developers may anticipate faster execution due to library modifications.

3. Advancements to Angular Tests

Thanks to some substantial improvements made by the Angular team, TestBed now effectively tears up test surroundings and modules after each test.

With the cleaning of DOM, developers can assume optimized, memory-intensive, interdependent, and faster tests.

Changes in Angular Command-Line Interface:

Without a doubt, the CLI is crucial to Angular’s accomplishment. Angular CLI accelerates the development with commands by eliminating challenging functions like conformation and starting on a bigger scale.

By assisting developers in locating appropriate folders for the module and the update to import the components, Angular CLI protects developers and frees up space for undiscovered elements.

By Angular 13, developers can rapidly check whether a component renders precisely or not. The build-cache option is preferred, and in already-running Angular projects, you have complete discretion over whether to enable or disable it.

Therefore, before beginning the development, ensure your team comprises competent angular app developers.

Read – 10 common mistakes Angular Developers make and how to avoid them.

4. Updated Form Classification

In Angular v13, a new form called Form Control Status is added. It compiles each form control status string into one location:

For instance, we can modify the status of AbstractControl.status type from string to FormControlStatus.

ObservableFormControlStatus> can be changed to Observableany> as a kind of StatusChanges.

5. Ergonomically designed APIs. 

Using ergonomically designed component-level granular code disturbance and code-splitting APIs, Angular v13 has reduced load times. The modern version of ESBuild has resulted in improved performance.

Terser and the ESBuild JavaScript bundler work together to enhance global scripts. Additionally, it helps CSS source maps and enables globally optimized CSS. Vue, Svelte, and Elm are a few framework languages this JS bundler supports.

6. Older Node.Js Versions No Longer Supported

Because Angular uses the Node.js package export capability, it doesn’t support versions of Node.js before 12.20.0 

7. Improvements to Localization

The $ localize API is clear and concise. Developers practice it to create an efficient method for innate internationalization (i18n) and translate code messages and layouts.

8. It does not support Internet Explorer 11 

Due to the release of Angular 13, Angular won’t support Internet Explorer 11. The bundle size is small, and the app loads faster due to the non-usage of Internet Explorer 11. Therefore, Angular can utilize cutting-edge browser features like web animations and CSS variables via native web APIs.

The enhanced API and IE-specific polyfills shortage will result in faster app loading. Additionally, it eliminates the need for differential loading. Quick loading times and positive user experiences will help app consumers, while developers will gain from improved infrastructure and APIs.

When a project migrates, running the update removes IE-specific polyfills, reducing the bundle volume.

9. Dependency Updates and Framework Variations

We can see significant changes in Angular 13. The default app created with ng new is RxJS7.4. Existing RxJS v6.x apps must be manually modernized using the npm installrxjs@7.4 command. New projects can begin using RxJS 7, while ongoing projects should use RxJS 6.

10. Angular 13 features -API Updation

Anyone can now generate dynamic components with lesser boilerplate code thanks to the new ViewContainerRef. Create component API. While using Angular 13, ComponentFactoryResolver is not necessary.

11. Cohesive design

The basic blocks of Angular web development are components. The cohesive elements of Angular resemble trees made up of appropriate pieces with linked functionalities. These tightly packaged components are accessible to all Angular apps through a streamlined API. Here are two of Angular architecture’s core benefits.

  • Reusability: The components of an Angular app stand alone. After generation, you can reuse an element with a specific feature in any area of the code that requires it once it has. The component-based, reusable architecture of Angular reduces development time while ensuring that the program is consistent.
  • Maintainability: The framework’s loosely coupled components are Angular’s second noteworthy benefit. You may streamline the process by working with our knowledgeable Angular JS developers.
Contrast in Components

12. Angular Material

The pre-built User interface MDCs parts for mobile, desktop, and online platforms provided by the angular material feature have simplified things for developers and increased accessibility. Programmers and developers may quickly create navigational components, radio buttons, layouts, form controls, and indicators.

Strict accessibility guidelines and high standards, including contrasts, touch targets, ARIA, and more, have been applied to all of the MDCs (Material Design Components) that are a part of Angular Material. For instance, the touch sizes of the radio buttons and checkboxes have changed compared to earlier iterations.

Change in touch sizes

13. Router Variations

Routing makes it easier for us to switch between views. Understanding a browser URL as a request to change view makes navigation easier.

When the new navigation abandons the previous navigation, the router does not change the browser’s URL.

The most significant compatibility concerns with query parameters were present in earlier versions of Angular. For example, the default URL serializer drops anything in query parameters after a question mark. But the utmost upgrade makes query parameters and question marks compatible.

14. Inline Adobe Font Backing

Inline support for Adobe fonts is another standout feature of Angular 13’s release. Speeding up the First Contentful Paint( FCP), these typefaces can improve the application’s performance. Everyone can access this edition. Running the ng update command is required.

15. Boosts Efficiency with Dependency Injection

Because of Angular’s dependency injection feature, code readability is improved, simplifying iterations and maintenance. The significant reduction in development costs and testing time is especially advantageous for large-scale business systems.

A developer can change or substitute any injector without having to change the settings for the other components of the app is its most crucial feature.


The release of Angular 13 indicates that Google is attempting to position Angular as its modern web developer platform by incorporating several new capabilities. It was chosen as the third most popular web framework by professionals, according to the recent Developer Survey 2021. The developer community is enthusiastic about Angular’s business prospects as it moves closer to being mobile-first every year.

With further changes anticipated down the road, Angular 14 will create the groundwork to drive the evolution of Angular shortly. And we can expect it to deliver remarkable results in web app creation and reform the virtual industry in the future. 

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