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Why Your Business Should Adopt Application Maintenance Services

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Loves getting creative with mundane topics in addition to geeking out over books and movies.

The modern business world is fast-paced. Many companies are under pressure to produce more and faster than ever before. But this doesn’t mean that your company should compromise on quality or performance – quite the opposite! Today, it’s more important than ever to ensure your software system performs at its best and stays updated with new features and functions.

What is Application Maintenance and Support?

Simply put, Application Maintenance is a process adopted by business owners to ensure their application is updated with the latest functionalities, updates and security patches. It is also a timely assessment of your system to ensure it is always delivering maximum performance and taking preventive measures to ensure there are no errors or downtime.

This is an important aspect for any business regardless of the industry it’s functioning in. Failure to adopt the required maintenance services could result in financial and functional problems for the business, leading to additional costs and time being spent on getting things right.

What are the Types of Application Maintenance?

Managed Model

Under this model, the application maintenance services are outsourced to a third-party organization. While the business may provide the IT infrastructure, it is completely handled by third-party professionals over the cloud or on-premises. This allows the business to invest their time towards core strategies and stay ahead of the competition. This is also the most sought-after application maintenance model today, with almost 60% of companies opting for third-party services.

Cloud Model

The infrastructure and cost-saving elements are what make this model an attractive option for businesses. Cloud-based maintenance can be accessed from anywhere over the web, and its main benefit is improved machine uptime. The cloud has drastically changed how businesses operate since companies no longer even have to invest in their own data centers.

Cloud takes care of timely updates of software and applications, reducing the need for costly upgrades.

On-premise Model

Under this model, the infrastructure and servers are managed physically by the onsite resources of a company. This maintenance model is slowly going out of style with the advent of cloud and managed applications maintenance.

Why do you Need Application Maintenance?

Application maintenance and support are as crucial as developing application services, if not more. If proper processes are not set up once the application is in production, it could cost the company and put an unnecessary load on the IT team. For any application software to function in the long term requires regular assessment of features and functionalities, the environment, output, and performance.

Without a strong application maintenance strategy and support in place, the company will suffer in case of adverse events during product functioning.

In fact, there are several benefits to having application maintenance services available:

Benefits of Application Maintenance Services

7 Reasons Why Application Maintenance is Critical for your Business:

1. Bug Fixes

If your application at any point in time fails to be compatible with updated operating systems or hardware/software, there is a good chance that it will frequently run into issues. Apart from this, there can be several reasons why your app can run into issues. This is why it is important to regularly test and retest your app functionalities to ensure there are no glitches or errors.

Bugs can enter your app anytime, including third-party tools, version updates, last-minute updates, faulty releases, human error, and more.

2. Updating to New Functionalities

You can use application maintenance services to update your software on a regular basis. When new functionality is added to the application, it’s important to have someone install and support that functionality. This way, you can ensure that all users have access to the latest app features and updates.

New features are added all the time and require constant updates for them to work properly. If you don’t have someone who knows how these new features work, they may become obsolete quickly or even useless if your IT department does not maintain them properly.

For example, imagine how frustrating it would be if, all of a sudden, Facebook stopped working because there was an update. That doesn’t seem likely but think about how much money could be lost if this happened more often than not over time especially given how popular these apps are nowadays – imagine having hundreds of thousands of dollars tied up in old versions not being used anymore simply because nobody bothered updating them.

3. Ensuring Quality and Performance

Quality assurance is one of the most important aspects of software development. If your application has a high-quality standard, it will be more likely to be adopted by users and make money for your business.

Performance Testing: This can help identify any performance issues in an application that could result in poor user experience and abandonment rates.

Monitoring Tools: Monitoring tools give you insight into what’s going on with your applications at any given time, so you can spot problems before they cause serious disruptions or loss of revenue (or both).

4. Increase User Adoption

It goes without saying that not maintaining your app will leave you with an outdated product with obsolete functionalities. This is why you need application maintenance to constantly enhance your features and cater to evolving audience demands. This will ensure that your app stays popular and has a great reach in the market. Today, the user experience will determine the success of your application. Hence it is important to stay on top of the trends and continuously work to give the customers what they’re seeking in the form of a seamless user journey built with the latest technology.

5. Business Growth

Any business invests heavily in application software, expecting it always to perform optimally. Without proper upgrades, it is impossible for your product to perform as per market requirements. Eventually, this means that your business will suffer. Whereas regular upgrades and maintenance will push your product to perform well minus the errors. When your product functions well, it accelerates business growth without doubt and opens newer avenues for the company to expand.

Case Study


6. Re-engineering of Software

With re-engineering, one can alter the system of the software so that the overall app performance and appearance can be improved. Alternatively, it also enhances the maintainability of the software in the long run. Re-engineering is a comprehensive term that includes security, scalability, and performance. Periodically undertaking this activity will reduce system failures and any previously existing bugs.

7. Security Patches

Security patch management is the process of applying updates that will ensure that there are no errors or code vulnerabilities across your application. It is nothing but a method of inserting a code to patch the vulnerability. This will enable the team to check for critical security updates and ensure no failed security patches are part of the maintenance.

Wrapping it up:

The most important thing you can do for your application is to ensure it runs at peak performance. By implementing application maintenance services, you can ensure that your software is up to date with all the latest features and functionalities. This will ensure that when visitors come to your website, they have access to the latest content and can interact with it intuitively.

Find the right way forward with robust application maintenance services and support and know how it can grow your application. Click here.

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Sharon Mariam Koshy

Loves getting creative with mundane topics in addition to geeking out over books and movies.

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