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Cloud Services – A New Wave for Digital Transformation

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Loves getting creative with mundane topics in addition to geeking out over books and movies.

The cloud enables projects to transition from the traditional digital company to an agile, innovative one that, in turn, will influence how companies utilize technology departments.

This article will explore what cloud computing is, how it can benefit businesses and some of the challenges associated with its adoption.

Cloud Computing is the New Normal

Cloud computing isn’t a bolt-on phenomenon anymore. Since business executives are increasingly involved in the decision-making process for IT buying and IT needs to scale, cloud computing is becoming more of an expectation for any company.

Thanks to cloud computing, businesses are finding new and innovative ways to improve their overall customer experience. The cloud is opening a range of possibilities that have previously been restricted by time, location, or budget limitations. These new opportunities give companies a chance to get creative and stand out in an increasingly competitive marketplace. For example, large-scale data collection can be done remotely through the internet while also being inexpensive and quick. In addition, it offers improved collaboration across organizational boundaries.

Why Cloud Computing?

Cloud adoption is the first step in digitally transforming a company. As a multifaceted process, transformation can be strenuous and requires research. Cloud native digital transformation allows businesses to change as they go while maintaining the integrity of systems in place.

Cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular because it allows companies to be nimble, save time and money and increase profitability. Ultimately, businesses can accomplish much more with cloud computing than without it. Here is how cloud computing can be beneficial for your business:

1) The cost-saving potential:

Cloud computing services such as Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services offer pay-as-you-go pricing that eliminates the need for upfront capital expenditures and ongoing maintenance costs. All you have to do is pay for what you use

2) Easy scalability:

Businesses can grow rapidly without the headache of having to purchase servers, storage space, and other infrastructure equipment

3) Security Concerns:

If a company’s IT systems are compromised, sensitive information could fall into the wrong hands, leading to legal liability. However, many cloud providers maintain security standards that exceed industry requirements. The best option is usually whichever provider meets your needs most efficiently. There are also ways to encrypt data if desired.

Also Read : Top 10 Tips for Avoiding the Most Common Mistakes in Cloud Strategies

Types of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing can be divided into three main categories:

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – IaaS is a cloud computing model that provides users with access to storage, networking, and other computer resources.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) – PaaS is a cloud computing model that provides users with access to a platform for developing, testing, and deploying applications.

Software as a Service (SaaS) – SaaS is a cloud computing model that provides users with access to software applications.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

The cloud is a new way of computing that has many advantages over the traditional ways of computing. The cloud is more scalable, more flexible, and cost-effective. With the cloud, businesses can quickly adapt to changing needs and demands. The cloud is also more secure and reliable than traditional computing.

  • No Hardware or Replacement Costs

Cloud computing is a type of Internet-based software application service. This means that rather than maintaining servers, data centers and applications all on your own, you can use cloud services to perform some or all of these functions. This frees up a lot of time and money that can be reallocated to other areas. There’s less need for expensive equipment since more processing power comes from the cloud itself instead of relying on individual devices.

  • Increased Accessibility

It also lets you access any program from anywhere at any time without having to worry about how it will affect other programs. You no longer have to worry about how much space each program will take up on your device because everything runs in the cloud and stores data there as well.

  • Analytics-Based Insight

Data is money. With cloud-based storage, one has greater visibility over data and can build customized reports to better understand performance across the business. Cloud-based business insights have proven to be instrumental in increasing profits by enabling the right action plans at the right time.

  • Data Backup

The best part is that you get an automatic backup for your files with cloud computing, so if anything happens to them, they are still available and safe.

Why wouldn’t everyone want to make the switch with such clear benefits? Well, while many people say they want to use cloud services, few actually do. The reluctance may come from misconceptions about security risks. In the cloud, data is stored on remote servers and can be accessed by authorized personnel from anywhere in the world. This makes it more difficult to protect data from being hacked or stolen. Security experts say these fears are unfounded and don’t come close to those seen by hackers who attack individual computers that store data locally.

Another disadvantage of cloud computing is the reliance on internet connectivity. If there is an issue with the internet connection, then employees will not be able to access the cloud-based applications and data. This can lead to productivity issues. And finally, while most businesses find cost savings there are potential service costs that can occur due to uncontrolled spending.

Case Study

Here’s how Zuci developed an end-to-end cloud-based application for Australia’s Leading Accounting Services Firm

Cloud Deployment Models

Cloud deployment models refer to the different ways in which organizations can deploy cloud computing solutions. The three most common deployment models are public, private, and hybrid.

  • Public clouds are owned and operated by third-party service providers. They offer users the ability to access cloud resources on a pay-as-you-go basis.
  • Private clouds are owned and operated by a single organization. They offer users the ability to customize their cloud environment to meet their specific needs.
  • Hybrid clouds are a combination of public and private clouds. They offer users the ability to choose which type of cloud environment is best suited for their needs.

Organizations can use any of these deployment models to achieve digital transformation. Each model has its own benefits and drawbacks that organizations need to consider when making a decision.

The Future of Cloud Computing

The cloud has been a game changer for the business world, and it’s only getting more popular and essential. Here’s a look at the future of cloud computing and how it will continue to transform businesses.

Here are few ways in which the cloud will continue to shape the business world:

  1. Serverless Architecture

What is not to love about this architecture? Your business can manage and scale applications without having to worry about servers and runtime. While a partner like AWS takes care of the server provisions. This frees up time for your team that can be channeled towards other activities.

  1. Open-Source Infrastructure

More companies are moving towards open-source cloud technologies, one where the software or technology can be customized as per business needs. With this, adding features, scaling existing features, etc becomes easier. This, in turn, makes working more flexible and opens avenues for dynamic business strategies.

  1. Edge Computing

Edge computing is another emerging cloud trend involving saving data at local servers rather than central datacenters. With data stored closer to the source, greater bandwidth is available to perform the tasks. This enhances efficiency, and businesses can manage huge amounts of data that is generated from connected devices.

  1. Kubernetes

With cloud-native applications becoming the norm now, it makes use of cloud-based technologies. Kubernetes, built by Google, enables to build programs that can be deployed anywhere. It enhances deployment velocity and offers multi-cloud capability. It can also efficiently handle the migration of an application to the cloud. Safe to say, Kubernetes has established itself as an important component for better cloud computing applications.

How is Cloud driving your Customer Experience?

It has brought in a new wave of digital transformation and forced companies to rethink their customer experience strategies to connect with their customers better and understand their needs better than ever before. It all boils down to being able to maintain customer engagement, and here’s how the cloud makes that possible:

  • As per a Gartner survey, almost 80% of CRM spending is for cloud-based solutions.
  • With the cloud enabling greater flexibility, human resources can spend more time on cracking innovative strategies to drive customer experience.
  • Better insights can be drawn from the large database stored in the cloud to manage customer expectations.
  • Cloud technology can be used to manage customer grievances across channels, thus eliminating the hassle of waiting for manual assistance.

Also read: Cloud Migration Strategies and Challenges

Digital Transformation reshaping Business for the Future:

Cloud computing has redefined digital transformation, but how? Cloud computing enables you to make business processes more agile and future-proof. A decade ago, the advent of cloud computing started an industry-wide revolution that’s in full swing today. The basic idea behind this technology is that hardware or software resources are provided on demand over a network rather than sitting idle in storage or being installed on a local machine. One of the most exciting features of cloud computing is that customers get access to features without having to purchase the entire product up front. It also means any updates happen automatically as soon as they’re released, eliminating costly IT projects down the line.

In recent years, these benefits have translated into significant economic growth for many industries, including healthcare, banking, and transportation. Compared to other technologies, such as virtualization, cloud computing is typically used by large organizations with huge budgets. However, we see a surge in interest from small to medium-sized enterprises because of scalability and cost benefits.

In summation:

Cloud computing has evolved from a model to support only non-critical workloads to an environment where companies can run their most critical workloads and mission-critical applications while also driving efficiencies through automation and self-service capabilities.

And if you’re looking for a partner to navigate cloud-based solutions for your business, reach out to Zuci.

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Sharon Mariam Koshy

Loves getting creative with mundane topics in addition to geeking out over books and movies.

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