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Developers Can Prove Their True Worth With Horus Digital Enablement Tool

Lead Marketing Strategist

An INFJ personality wielding brevity in speech and writing.

It was the worst day of her life. Sara Shahi had expected glowing words of praise, a hefty raise, and a promotion to Senior Developer, perhaps even Team Lead. Instead, her annual appraisal turned out to be nothing short of a firing squad. Pun intended.

Her boss thought she was tardy, that she took her obvious talents for granted, and underperformed way below what the organization expected from her. Everything she had sweated for all her life seemed about to be snatched away in an instant.

Could a software tool like Horus save her career?

Sara hadn’t had it easy. A first-generation immigrant woman trying to make it big in a man’s industry, she had held out on her through sheer grit and a truckload of talent.

As Software Developer, she determined operational feasibility by evaluating analysis, problem definition, requirements, solution development, and proposed solutions. She demonstrated solutions by developing documentation, flowcharts, layouts, diagrams, charts, code comments and clear code.

All those years spent researching, designing, implementing and managing software programs. Testing and evaluating new programs. Working closely with other developers, UX designers, business and systems analysts. It had all been for this day.

To see her work recognized. And rewarded.
An analysis based merely on Kilo Lines of Code can be misleading.

Instead, her boss compared her with John Doe, sitting across her desk, who regularly churned out twice as many lines of code as she did.

Twice as many lines of code? Really?

“How many of those lines actually added any value to the final product?” she tried in vain to convince her boss.

If only she could prove it.

Well, actually she could. And she did. With Horus.

Horus has helped global enterprises cut development costs in half. You can track down the exact financial value of every line of code.

Horus Uncovers The True Value of Code

Her organization had recently rolled out a trial of Horus — the digital enablement tool that was, well, different than any other on the market.
Horus picked up something that Sara’s boss didn’t.

It identified that though the total lines of code she committed every day was around half of what John did, the actual code that finally made it through into the final, clean releases were almost three times more than John’s code.

In other words, Horus quantified that Sara’s contribution to the organization was three times more than John’s.

After a brief re-appraisal, her new boss informed her, “You’ll be playing a key role in the design, installation, testing and maintenance of software systems. The programs you create are likely to help businesses be more efficient and provide a better service.”

Back at her desk, for the first time in her career, Sara tore up a printout of something she had typed out.

It was her resignation letter.

Head over to explore Horus

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