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How Horus Can Transform Your Enterprise

Lead Marketing Strategist

An INFJ personality wielding brevity in speech and writing.

What’s the difference between great engineering organizations that change the world, and other engineering organizations that fail? In this article, we’ll look at how it all boils down to just one thing: knowing the exact state and direction of your development in real time, at any time. Further, we’ll see how a transformational tool like Horus can make all the difference between success and failure.

Consider two extreme situations that could happen to any software engineering company, including your own.

Situation 1:

Company A rolls out an enterprise level transformation initiative. Across multiple levels of the organizational hierarchy, there is a multitude of software coming into play. Amidst all the third-party inertia, some critical issues arise: How do you measure effectiveness? How do you keep your code base healthy? What kind of metrics do you track? How do you integrate the organizational vision across the organizational hierarchies?

Without an effective tool to address all these issues, the company lost half a billion dollars. Within six months they were bought out, and ceased to exist.

Situation 2:

Company B believes in “quality, speed, and joy.” They have an engineering effectiveness model that continuously updates their tools to scale up the model. Automation helps them dig out accumulated technical debt piled up in their tools. Their optimal use of tools to realize software efficiency through constant innovation in engineering practices paid off. They raised $1.8 billion and have over half a billion users today.

Which of these two is your story? A or B?

Of course, most companies fall somewhere in between, veering perilously from one extreme to another.

The good news is that you don’t need to rely on outdated tools or sheer dumb luck anymore. What it all boils down to is knowing the exact state and direction of your software development in real time, at any time.

And with a digital transformation tool such as Horus, you can.

Horus delivers the next level of empowerment to engineering teams across levels, right from CxO and Architects to Developers and Engineering Managers. While most solutions focus on code and development processes, Horus takes a giant leap forward by adding the missing element of context, and delves into orthogonal aspects of development.

Horus metrics that scale your software engineering

  • PROCESS RIGOR — Have you been able to monitor and change processes over time based on their effectiveness?
  • THIRD PARTY INERTIA — Is your third party inertia hampering your business growth?
  • CHURN — Bugs that are closed in the previous release, opened again and closed again. Regression issues. Failed deployments, Average time spent on fixing issues, How frequently are you changing third party binaries behind the release infra counts? Are you on updated versions?
  • AGILITY INDEX — How Agile are your deployments? Have you setup closed feedback network between business users and development team?
  • BUSINESS VALUE — Sum integral of all the 4 above and other atomic variables such as Lines of code offering value in production.

Using the concept of “cohorts” (which are bucket lists or classes of 100s of metrics), it creates context-sensitive, real-time views of every aspect of the software lifecycle — including static code objects (SCOs), processes, releases, production/runtime, business, accounting, and overall test coverage. These insights are then further translated into meaningful and relevant action items that streamline software development and drive critical business decisions.

Horus is a data-driven engineering solution to give leaders the capability to measure the quality of their code in a quantifiable manner. It is the ultimate tool to boost engineering efficiency and increase business revenues.

And that, to any engineering enterprise, makes all the difference between success and failure!

Head over to explore Horus

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