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Horus helps CTOs drive engineering innovation, attract and retain customers.

Lead Marketing Strategist

An INFJ personality wielding brevity in speech and writing.

It was Monday morning. Time for the dreaded meeting with the CEO, when the inevitable questions would be posed yet again…

  • Our mobile user experience feedback is not encouraging — how do we plan to address it?
  • We’re planning to add a million new users — is the architecture robust and scalable enough to deliver peak performance?
  • Our past release has run into major production issues — what steps are we taking to ensure our quality bar is being raised?

This morning however, Harry Finch, CTO, was calm and confident about the meeting.

He had the answers the CEO was looking for.

Like any CTO, Harry Finch focused on the engineering, implementation, development and management of technology. He was responsible for developing the company’s strategy for adopting and utilizing technological resources… Ensuring that technologies were used efficiently and profitably… Evaluating and implementing engineering infrastructure that were aligned with business goals…

For years, his organization had relied on top-the-line, best-of-breed, state-of-the-art, etc. etc. software solutions to get a pulse of software development in real time. Despite that, their efforts had failed to deliver.

Harry’s team were not getting a holistic view of their engineering output but relied on siloed information from the market-leading tools that they were using. .When it came to getting an instant view of the status of their technical teams’ work at any point of time, Harry and his peers just couldn’t get what they wanted

Then Harry came across Horus, a breakthrough solution that measured and provided a holistic and integrated view of the three major components of any software engineering organization, viz., people, processes, and technology.

How Horus Is Different

Unlike other solutions, Horus had the flexibility to slice-and-dice development according to specific, role-based requirements. While most solutions focus on code and development processes, HORUS takes a giant leap forward by adding the missing element of context, and delves into orthogonal aspects of development.

Horus provides an instant, real-time snapshot of technical development and facilitates the measurement of product development in terms of quality.

For instance:

  • Horus enabled CTOs like Harry to set goals, measure progress, evaluate options, and analyze risks. All great insights that helped him come up with viable technical strategies for the company.
  • It helped him pinpoint innovative ideas, spot real productivity, and identify star performers on his teams. By streamlining production operations, he could preempt redundancies and ramp up deliveries.
  • Harry could test out new developments and track competitive trends, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Basically, Horus helps CTOs at every level, right from C-level collaboration all the way to ensuring high quality, final product deliveries.

Needless to add, Harry would never dread Monday mornings ever again!

Head over to explore Horus

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